Model: LTE30VZ

Category: GPS & Vehicle Tracking

Brand: Uplink

Dealer pricing

The Uplink® LTE30VZ 4G Primary Alarm Communicator is a LTE CAT-M1 alarm communicator designed to be used with almost any manufacturer’s alarm panels that incorporate a digital telephone dialer. The Uplink LTE30VZ provides a “Primary” wireless interface to the protected premises and replaces the phone line connection.

The Uplink LTE30VZ unit will “intercept” the alarm panel’s digital dialer output when the panel has an event to report, and communicate with the panel as if it were a central station alarm receiver. Once the LTE30VZ completes a communications session with the alarm panel, it will transmit the alarm information using the local LTE CAT-M1 cellular communications network. The Model LTE30VZ is compatible with alarm systems and central stations using these formats: Contact ID (SIA-DC05), SIA (SIA-DC03), Modem IIe/ IIIa2 or Pulse 4/2.

Main Features

  • Full Data Reporting.
  • Power Requirements:
  • Panel to LTE30VZ Cable Supervision
  • programmable input.
  • programmable relay output
  • Power Source Monitoring (Low DC Input Voltage Reporting).
  • Automated Testing
  • LTE CAT-M1 Network Supervision
  • Status/Received Signal Strength LEDs.
  • Easy Initiation.
  • Web-based Services.

ADI Part Number L3-1104754
Brand Name Uplink
Model LTE30VZ

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