RDL STD-10K Speaker Selector

Model: STD-10K

Category: Audio Signal Processing

Brand: Radio Design Labs

Dealer pricing

Each STD module is a resistive branching network with RF filtering on each of the four channels. Any channel, A through D, may be either an input or an output. This permits combining stereo signals into mono inputs, splitting mono signals to multiple inputs, and even combining microphones with output shorting switches into a single amplifier input. The STD modules are available in 150 ?, 600 ? and 10 k? models. All inputs and outputs are balanced.

Brand Name RDL
Category Type House of Worship, Retail & Hospitality, Audio Signal Processing
Device Supported Speaker, Amplifier, Amplifier, Speaker
Manufacturer Radio Design Labs, Inc
Model STD-10K
Product Type Speaker Selector
Vendor Name Radio Design Labs