Model: 30-0031-3120-2

Category: Testing Equipment

Brand: Macurco (aerionics)

Dealer pricing

The Macurco 6 & 12 Series detection family requires routine testing and calibration.
Each detector has a corresponding testing/calibration kit to test and calibrate the
detectors in the field. Sensors may drift over time so it is recommend to have a
maintenance plan to ensure detectors responding to gas appropriately. A gas calibration
is the process of exposing a sensor to a target gas at a specific concentration and then
adjusting the gas detector to read that gas concentration properly.

Macurco recommends testing and calibration at a least once per year at a minimum but depending on the application and risk potential of the application a greater frequency might be needed.

Field Calibration Kit Cal-Kit Macurco 3 - Includes: Calibration Case, Nafion-2 Ft, CX/TX-CH Cal Hood, 0.2LPM, Regulator (F)

Vendor Name Macurco (aerionics)

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