Leak Intelligence LGZW-2 Leak Gopher Z-Wave Valve Control

Model: LGZW-2

Category: Save, Smart Home Garage, Water & Irrigation Controls

Brand: Leak Intelligence Llc

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If you have a Z-Wave enabled security system with water sensors attached, the Leak Gopher Z-Wave Water Valve Control can be easily added as a new device and your Z-Wave Controller programmed to automatically turn the water off when leaks are detected by any of the water sensors.

You can also turn the water on or off remotely using your cell phone or computer using many services that allow remote access to your Z-Wave enabled Controller.

Want to turn on the water for your flowers while you are away? The Leak Gopher comes with a NSF approved electronic water valve that can be installed on any water line to allow you to turn water on or off at the touch of a button. You can have a Leak Gopher to protect your home or business from flooding or take control of water flows wherever you want.

Leak Gopher also provides on and off push buttons so you can manually take control.

The Leak Gopher Z-Wave Valve Control is Z-Wave Plus certified. This means your Leak Gopher takes advantage of all of the latest Z-Wave technology.

Brand Name Leak Intelligence Llc
Model LGZW-2
Vendor Name Leak Intelligence Llc

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