Kantech EK-1M-SCM Access Control Expansion Kit

Model: EK-1M-SCM

Category: Access Control Panels

Brand: Kantech - Us

Dealer pricing

The Expansion Kits offer a comprehensive and easy to install solution for small to medium size businesses to expand their access control system in one door increments (KT-1), two-door (KT-300) or four door increments (KT-400). The expansion kits are compatible with EntraPass Special Edition, Corporate Edition and Global Edition.

Expansion kit includes: KT-1-M Controller, KT-MUL-SC Reader, KT-PTC1640UG transformer 120V / 16 VAC 40 VA, KT-PS4085 12 VDC power supply, KT-BATT-12 battery

Main Features
  • Easy to install and easy to use
  • Compatible with EntraPass Special Edition, Corporate Edition and Global Edition
  • Compatible with KT-300/128K, KT-400 & the new KT-1 controller
  • Integrate with IP Link (KT-IP) which provides communication over the network
  • Integrate with modem which enables EntraPass to connect to remote sites (RS-232 from remote modem to controller)
  • Contains ioProx P225XSF readers or ioProx P325XSF readers
  • Includes ioProx P40KEY keyfob, USB-485 converter, KT-BATT-12 battery, TR6175 transformer or TR1640P/UL transformer, KT-RM1 relay, DU-MODEM-RS modem, and KT-IP communication device.

Brand Name Kantech - Us, Kantech Us
Model EK-1M-SCM

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