CDVI Global 7.0 Centaur Software

Model: GLOBAL7

Category: Access Control Software

Brand: Cdvi Americas Ltd

Dealer pricing

Centaur Access Control Software offers you a complete access control solution. From a single door system to a complex multi-site installation with numerous card holders, Centaur is geared to perform and gives you a level of flexibility never seen in the industry.

Access privileges can be modified on-line in real-time without issuing new cards. Visitors can be granted access privileges in seconds, for temporary access situations. Enhanced supervision. Track specific individuals, and get daily reports on their movements. Monitor traffic in highly sensitive areas for maximum security. Centaur grows with you as the needs of your facility evolve, Centaur can easily be expanded to conquer any access control challenge.

Main Features

  • Up to 2,048 doors per site
  • 100 sites
  • 16,384 cards per site
  • 256 controllers per site
  • 512 elevator cabs per site
  • 64 floors per cab
  • 128 floor groups per site
  • Global communications
  • Global user groups
  • Global access levels
  • Global schedules
  • Include one workstation license
  • Include these built-in integration:
    – DVR/NVR/VMS:View live or recorded video within Centaur. Every Centaur event can be associated to a specific camera (Digital WatchDog, Exacq or Milestone).
    – SAP:Automatically add, delete or modify Centaur’s card database from an external SAP application.
    – Pro-Report:On demand, scheduled or customized reports
    – FrontView:Live interactive floor plans
    – Front Guard:Display real-time visual authentication
    – FrontDesk:Add, delete, modify & print cards, including Photo-ID
    – Locator:Monitor real-time location of each card holder
    – WavePlayer:Play a sound on any system event

Category Type Access Control Software
Vendor Name Cdvi Americas Ltd

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